Flight School

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A New Year Means New Features

Hello everyone...I hope 2017 was good to you. After the holidays brought illness and frigid weather to the Ambrosini home, I thought it might be time to give a little refreshment to this web site you have been loyally visiting for the past year.

The first item to note is that I have included an Events page, which you can click on at the top menu bar. It's pretty simple...if I know of an exciting event involving booze, I will post it there with as much detail as I have available. Most times, events will reflect what's happening in the local community, but if there is something happening across the country that is an exciting destination I will list it here. Additionally, if you know of something happening in your area that you want the beverage-drinking community to know about, get in touch with me and I can add it to my site.

Next, you will notice a "Site Search" feature. Are you having a hard time remembering that whiskey I wrote about? No problem...go to the Site Search, enter text (such as "whiskey") into the field, then press the enter key, and you will have any mention of whiskey on this blog.

Finally, at the bottom of any page, you will see all the social networks I have connected the blog to. If you want to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, simply click any of those icons any you will be directed to my social pages. If you submitted your email address on my "Subscribe" page, you should now finally start receiving my posts in your email box.

I hope everyone has a safe New Year's celebration...cheers to 2018!